
New HEPA Air Scrubber

Clean X-Treme, Inc. has purchased and put in service a new Phoenix Guardian R 500 CFM HEPA Air Scrubber. This is a brand new type of air scrubber and is the company's third air scrubber. The filter being used is a new thechnology produced by NanoScale Corporation. It is an OdorKlenz Air, which is used to clean the air in decomposition situations because it neutralizes the odors.

Clean X-Treme uses the latest and best technologies to provide the best service to our families in need.


New Certification

Mark Nelson is now certified by the Clean Trust (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification) as an Odor Control Technician.


Two Clean X-Treme Employees Become ABRA Certified

Ray Easterly and Mark Nelson have recently become certified as biohazard technicians by ABRA (American Biohazard Recovery Association). This is the leading training class in the biohazard industry.


New Certification for Clean X-Treme

Ray Easterly has recently been certified as an Odor Control Technician (OCT) by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). This certification is for the control of difficult odors such as urine and decomposition odors from death scenes.

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